Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It is hard to believe that Ellie is already 6 months old.  I was going through photos on my computer and found this one of Ellie taken just hours after she was born.  She was so small.

But, she is growing.  At the doctor on Monday, Ellie placed in the 32nd %tile for height - 25.25" (up from 6.8 %tile at 4 months) and 20th %tile for weight - 14 lbs 6.4 oz (also up from 6.5 %tile).  She still has a small head though (only in the 7 %tile).  See for your self how much she has grown...

This photo was taken when Ellie was about 1 1/2 weeks old (she's next to Greg's shoe).

This is Ellie at 6 months, next to the same shoe.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I had made a comment to Beth that I had wished she would post photos on her blog more often because I love seeing the daily activities of Isabel and Claudia. Of course, Beth responded in her smarta** way - she said I should concentrate on updating my own blog.

This is for you Beth.

Ellie at 6:14 PM 11/13/09

Ellie at 6:15 PM 11/13/09

Ellie at 6:16 PM 11/13/09

Ellie at 6:17 PM 11/13/09


We are beginning to have Ellie practice sitting.  Take a look. (Just to warn you, this was my first attempt at a video...I'm no professional).

In case you were wondering, the beginning of the video, I was trying to set Ellie up while holding the camera - Ellie thought it would be fun to try to stick the camera in her mouth.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It is hunting season, and Greg was getting ready to take Ellie out into the woods with him.  Is blaze orange really Ellie's color?

Ellie has been eating solids for about 2 weeks now.  I think she might be ready to feed herself.

On second thought, maybe not.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Our friend Anne is a talented photographer.  She took Ellie's 5 month photos.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Ellie spent her first Halloween in Rochester with her cousin Clara.

Clara was very excited to be able to play with Ellie.

Clara started off giving Ellie a big hug...

...and then a big kiss.

Clara is a BIG talker.  She couldn't understand why Ellie wasn't talking back to her.

Maybe if I cover her mouth, she'll start to talk.

That's okay, I'll just put her pacifer in her mouth for her...and then pull it out so I can put it in again.

Clara, the cowgirl.

What is Clara going as for Halloween?  A ape with big feet?

No, a cute little monkey with a banana in its pocket.

Aw, the monkey is shy.

The little trick-or-treaters...  Ellie as a bumble bee, Clara as a monkey, and Clara's friend Sophie as a witch.


On 10/18/09, Ellie was baptized at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Lino Lakes, MN.

At the baptismal pool with Mom and Dad, and godparents, Aunt Patty and Unlce Lance.

Ellie was very curoius about the water and tried to put her hand in the pool.  She probably thought she was going to be given a bath.

Ellie in her baptismal gown.  This gown in 90 years old.  Greg's maternal grandfather, Joseph Griffin, was baptized in this gown, along with Greg's mother, Greg and his sibilings, and a few of Ellie's cousins.  Don't worry, Ellie made it all her own by spitting up on it.

Three generations of family who wore the baptismal gown.

Ellie with Mommy and Daddy.

Ellie with her godparents.

All together.

Ellie's cousins found ways to amuse themselves during the baptism.  Clara found some paper to tear up.

Connor, Isabel and Madeline read out of the hymnal.

Adam's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pawloski, acted silly.

And Claudia tried to look for some mischief.

But decided to pose for a photo with her Grandmas Pawloski instead.

The Hartley Clan

The Bradley Clan

Clara and Ellie after the baptism.