Thursday, September 30, 2010



We went to a local apple orchard to get our fall supply of apples, which only lasted a little over a week. It was such a beautiful day to go to this orchard.

This is why you have children, to have them do the work for you, like picking apples. Unfortunately, the only apples Ellie picked were the bruised ones on the ground.

Greg feeding Ellie a small apple piece.

Ellie thinks she can eat a whole apple.

You can see the small bite Ellie managed to take.

Greg took Ellie to see the animals.

This orchard had a nature walking trail that wound through a woods filled with huge oak trees. A few of the trees had ladders next to them, inviting people to climb the trees. Greg can't wait until Ellie is old enough to climb a tree with him.


Ellie has now reached the age where she wants whatever Greg and I have. That means no more going to Dairy Queen to get a small treat without getting Ellie something. Ellie had her first ice cream cone the other day. Unfortunately, we had to travel a distance from Dairy Queen to our house with Ellie whining for a lick of her ice cream. Poor Ellie, she has such a mean mommy who wouldn't give her the cone until she was strapped into her high chair at home.

So far, not too messy.
Still not too bad.

There's the mess.

Even though Ellie is only 16 months old, she has already found my money and credit cards in my purse. I have a feeling Ellie is going to cost me a lot of money when she becomes a teenager.


Connor, Madeline and Gavin (along with Aunt Julie and Uncle Mark) came to visit soon after we brought Sophie home. They brought a delicious dinner with them. Anyone toting food is welcome to my house anytime!

Ellie in her vibrating chair.

What a funny face!

We spent a Sunday at Dave and Reyna's house. Greg helped Dave paint while I hung out with Reyna and Liam. After a day of hard work, we went to the nearby lake to cool off.

Ellie and Liam playing in the sand.

Liam liked the baby and was very good with Sophie. He is going to be a good big brother.

Aunt Reyna getting her baby fix to tie her over until February.

I think Sophie looks a little like Ellie here.

Ellie is soooo good with Sophie. I can't rave enough how good Ellie is as a big sister. She is so loving to Sophie, though we are working on gentle movements. Ellie often will lay her head on Sophie.

Ellie loves to take out the pacifer from Sophie's mouth and try to put it back in. She tends to try to shove it into Ellie's mouth, but we are working on it.

Ellie has taken to the playmat again. I have caught her on a couple of instances laying next to Sophie on the playmat. Unfortunately, she doesn't stay long enough for me to get a photo.


Sophie is all set to come home. Like her older sister, newborn-sized clothes are a little too big on her.

Ellie's new favorite pasttime is to crawl into an empty box. I close the flaps and pretend that I'm going to ship her to Grandma and Grandpa's house. She has a great time until she discovers that climbing out is not as easy as climbing in.

Aunt Patty, Uncle Lance and cousin Clara came to visit Sophie.

Clara's not sure of Sophie.

Ellie is still Clara's favorite.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


In January, Greg and I discovered we were expecting again. Our due date was September 21. Yes, I said was. Last Tuesday, August 10, 2010, we were blessed with another daughter, Sophia Grace Hartley, 6 weeks early.

I woke up that morning, not feeling right. By 5:30 AM, I began monitoring my contractions. Greg and I went to the hospital that morning. I was given an injection to stop the contractions, and a prescription that I was to take when I felt the contractions start again. We got home in the early afternoon. About an hour later, my water broke as I got up to take my first pill. Seems like Sophia really wanted out. She didn't care that she was suppose to stay inside me for another 6 weeks. Of course, Greg had gone back to the farm.

We finally got back to the hospital at 4 pm, and Sophie came out at 6:49 pm at 5 lbs. 10 oz, 18.5 inches long.

There was a team of nurses just for Sophie in the delivery room. We had anticipated breathing difficulties, but Sophie surprised us all and never needed any help with breathing. She had a feeding tube inserted into her nose, but that was removed on Friday. Sophie has been doing so well - the nurses comment on her progress all the time. We are still in the hospital, but hope to be discharged tomorrow (Friday, 8/20). They have kept Sophie here to monitor her feeding and weight gain (she dropped to 5 lbs. 1 oz) and billirubin levels. She has been on and off a UV blanket during this past 1 1/2 weeks, but it seems that her levels may have stabilized. Tomorrow's reading will dictate whether or not we can go home.

Here's our Sophia Grace. She's looks like Ellie at that age, but then again, all preterm newborns might look the same.

Sophie with Grandma Bradley

A close-up of Sophie's feeding tube.

Sophie with Grandma and Grandpa Hartley.

Sophie all hooked up for her hearing test.

Sophie in her car seat for testing. Babies under 37 weeks gestation need to be tested for apnea while sitting in their car seats. Sophie passed with no problems.

Sophie with Grandma and Grandpa Bradley

This past Wednesday, Sophie was finally allowed out of the neonatal ICU and into my room. This is the first time Ellie was able to see Sophie up close. She showed a little interest.

My two girls.

Ellie is being very gentle with Sophie.

Ellie has found ways to amuse herself while at the hospital.


We celebrated Clara's 2nd birthday late while we were all at home in Wausau for the 40th annual Wirkus family reunion.

Clara had an extra "hat" for Ellie to wear at the party.

Ellie in her butterfly "hat."

Clara enjoys her mud cake.

After the party, Ellie and Clara sit with Grandma at the piano for a sing-along.

Ellie is beginning to color with crayons. She does well, until she puts the crayons into her mouth.

Ellie likes to play with my clothes, underwear included.

Ellie helping Daddy load the dishwasher. Notice the silverware between the plates.