I woke up that morning, not feeling right. By 5:30 AM, I began monitoring my contractions. Greg and I went to the hospital that morning. I was given an injection to stop the contractions, and a prescription that I was to take when I felt the contractions start again. We got home in the early afternoon. About an hour later, my water broke as I got up to take my first pill. Seems like Sophia really wanted out. She didn't care that she was suppose to stay inside me for another 6 weeks. Of course, Greg had gone back to the farm.
We finally got back to the hospital at 4 pm, and Sophie came out at 6:49 pm at 5 lbs. 10 oz, 18.5 inches long.
There was a team of nurses just for Sophie in the delivery room. We had anticipated breathing difficulties, but Sophie surprised us all and never needed any help with breathing. She had a feeding tube inserted into her nose, but that was removed on Friday. Sophie has been doing so well - the nurses comment on her progress all the time. We are still in the hospital, but hope to be discharged tomorrow (Friday, 8/20). They have kept Sophie here to monitor her feeding and weight gain (she dropped to 5 lbs. 1 oz) and billirubin levels. She has been on and off a UV blanket during this past 1 1/2 weeks, but it seems that her levels may have stabilized. Tomorrow's reading will dictate whether or not we can go home.
Here's our Sophia Grace. She's looks like Ellie at that age, but then again, all preterm newborns might look the same.
Sophie with Grandma Bradley
A close-up of Sophie's feeding tube.
Sophie with Grandma and Grandpa Hartley.
Sophie with Grandma and Grandpa Hartley.