This year at the Minnesota Great Get Together (aka state fair), Greg's fraser fur won grand champ, giving Pinestead Tree Farms the honor of bring 2 trees to the state capital for display. We were also invited to the capital for a photo op with Governor Pawlenty.
Here we are waiting to get into the press room where the tree is displayed. Notice the sweater Ellie is wearing, my friend Melissa knitted this sweater for her.
We got a chance to pose in front of the tree for some photos before the governor came in.
More posing.
Finally, in comes the governor, and, of course, he is taken with Ellie...
...and the head fuzz she has for hair.
Governor Pawlenty held Ellie (that's why you must vote for him if he runs for president). Ellie didn't know what to think of this new person that was holding her.
I had to turn her head so she would face forward for photos.
Finally, everyone looks nice - well, almost everyone.
Ellie's new game, grabbing anything and everything on your face.
I guess I should have photos of the trees. One tree.
Two trees.
Another family photo. Notice anything different in this photo?
OMG! I can't believe she's wearing my sweater!!!